All products Enki BILAL Products of the serie La tétralogie du Monstre

Enki Bilal Art Print : The Interview
Enki Bilal Art Print : The Interview - Print 50 x 25 cm

Print 50 x 25 cm
19,00 €

Enki Bilal Art Print : The Interview - Framed print 50 x 25 cm

Framed print 50 x 25 cm
75,00 €

Enki Bilal Art Print : The Interview - Print 100 x 50 cm

Print 100 x 50 cm
39,00 €

Enki Bilal Art Print : The Interview


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Art Print by Enki Bilal: The Interview.
Image from page 8 of the album "The Sleep of the Monster".
Support: thick glossy paper.

2 possible dimensions: 50 x 25 cm or 100 x 50 cm.


Framing option:
Possibility of framing for the dimension 50 x 25 cm
The frame is made of smooth black wood with a flat profile of 2.5 cm width.
Frame made in France.

Products of the same artist

"The Monster Tetralogy" is a science fiction graphic novel series by Enki Bilal, which brings together four albums released between 1998 and 2007. The series follows the adventures of John DiFool, a private detective living in a dystopian future, who is involved in a quest to find an artifact called "The Monster". The first album in the series, "The Sleep of the Monster," introduces John DiFool and sets the stage for the quest for the Monster. "32 December" follows DiFool as he travels through time and space searching for clues to the location of the Monster. "Rendezvous in Paris" takes place primarily in Paris and features DiFool and his allies being chased by relentless enemies. "Four," the final album in the series, finally brings the plot to a close and reveals the truth about the Monster and DiFool's motivations. Enki Bilal's style is known for its dark and detailed drawings, which bring the dystopian world of The Monster Tetralogy to life. His panels are often filled with references to history and culture, adding an extra dimension to the story. The Monster Tetralogy is a thrilling series that explores many themes such as the search for truth, the importance of memory, and the fight against oppression. It has been widely acclaimed by critics and has become a classic of science fiction graphic novels.

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