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Philippe Xavier en 2012 au Festival Quai des Bulles © Pymouss
Philippe XAVIER, born in the Bordeaux region, goes to study advertising in Argentina. He also works in Chile before joining the United States to pursue his talents as an artist, notably at Marvel.
For 12 years, he lives and draws in the USA, developing his technique and asserting his style. The 18 issues of Legend Lore that he draws for Coliber Comics are quite remarkable in this regard. His stroke is recognizable, and one admires the magnitude of his drawing, its intrinsic quality, and his ability to make a scene epic.
In 2003, he returns to France and first signs with Soleil. There, he takes up the Paradis Perdu series, by the duo Ange, for three volumes, before joining Le Lombard where he excels with Croisade. The series, written by Jean Dufaux, spans 11 volumes, blending history and fantasy, which perfectly fits Xavier's style.
It's at Glénat that he publishes Conquistador, still with Dufaux. It's a series that allows Xavier to draw the landscapes of South America, which he knows well from having spent more than five years there.
He draws on volumes 13 and 14 of XIII, while at the same time, he starts Tango (both drawing and writing with Matz). In 7 volumes, until 2023, the series explores once again Latin America (but also the Philippines for the last adventure) in an action, thriller, and adventure genre to which Xavier's clean and precise style adds a lot of reality.
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